
You can contribute to our ongoing efforts in Yemen by donating to the Irish Red Cross Yemen Appeal.

Almost ten years of gruelling conflict and unrelenting crises have caused unspeakable suffering to millions of Yemeni people. Severe deterioration of economic conditions, extensive damage to civilian infrastructure and the collapse of essential services are critical drivers of large-scale vulnerabilities and needs countrywide

Despite a de factor continuation of the UN-brokered truce in the country which formally ended in 2022, the political situation in Yemen continues to remain dire.

Right now across Yemen, 18.2 million people, over half the population, require humanitarian assistance and protection services.

Yemen remains one of the largest food security crises in the world due to protracted conflict and climatic shocks. A staggering 17.6 million people are facing food insecurity, with nearly half of all children under the age of five suffering from moderate to severe stunting due to an alarming high malnutrition rate. The economic decline has led to high levels of unemployment and the spike in commodity prices has left many families without food and accruing large debts.

The number of displaced people is estimated to be 4.5 million, many of whom have experienced multiple displacements over several years. Moreover, almost 18 million people cannot access safe water and proper sanitation. Collapsed health systems and infrastructure have also increased the risk of disease outbreaks and water contamination. Gaps in health care services have grave impacts on the most vulnerable, especially women and children.

The humanitarian situation remains bleak, and sustained humanitarian assistance is needed to prevent further deterioration. All funds raised by the Irish Red Cross Yemen Emergency Appeal, continue to support the Yemen Red Crescent and our other Red Cross partners in addressing the needs of people in Yemen amidst the ongoing crisis.



How we are helping

Since the start of the conflict in 2015, the Red Cross and Red Crescent have been providing life-saving aid to millions of people in Yemen such as food, livelihood support, clean water and essential household items.  Our main focus in Yemen is to continue supporting those hit hardest by crises and disasters.

We also focus on improving access to quality health care for vulnerable populations across the country. Our support includes providing 9 Primary Health Care centres with medical supplies and equipment. We also distribute first aid kits and conduct first aid training with community members.

Last updated July 2024