Volunteer In Your Community

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Volunteer With The Irish Red Cross

Who We Are:

The Irish Red Cross Society is a humanitarian organisation that upholds and works within the Red Cross Fundamental Principles by delivering a wide range of services within local communities throughout a network of local Branches around Ireland. By joining the Irish Red Cross, you become a member of a local Branch, volunteering to support your community.

What We Do:

Our local Branches each have their own identity, and the activities and opportunities they offer will vary depending on the needs of their local communities and availability of volunteers. Irish Red Cross services fall under 3 categories: First Aid & Rescue, Community Support, and Youth.

First Aid & Rescue:

Our First Aid & Rescue section provides training and upskilling from basic First Aid up to EMT level. Our trained Unit Volunteers provide First Aid event cover at a variety of public events such as concerts, sporting events and festivals. We also have specialised Rescue Teams located in Glen of Imaal in Wicklow (Mountain Rescue) and Lake Corrib and Mask (Lake Rescue).

Community Support:

Our Community Support section enables volunteers to help in their local communities. Roles for Community Support volunteers include assisting the Community Transport Services, Refugee Supports, providing Carers’ Handbook, Therapeutic Care, Skin Camouflage and Psychological First Aid.


Our Youth Section, Irish Red Cross Youth (IRCY) includes all of our members aged 4 to 25. Local Branches who have Youth groups offer a wide range of age-appropriate activities and training courses covering topics like health and hygiene, first aid, personal development and humanitarian education. *

Irish Red Cross Youth offers our young volunteers the opportunity to learn skills and make friends. Each year we hold national youth events to bring our young volunteers together to network and share ideas.

*Please note that not all Branches currently have a youth group. You should check with the branch you are interested in joining before applying. 

The Application Process:

The first step in joining is to contact your local Irish Red Cross Branch. Your local branch can be found on the map on the Irish Red Cross webpage. Once you know which Branch you would like to join, please contact the Branch Secretary at the e-mail address listed on the map. They will be able to give you more information about the Branch activities and services they are involved in locally, and the days/times they meet, so you can ensure it will be good fit for you before joining.

Garda Vetting is required for some roles within the Irish Red Cross for people over the age of 16. The roles that require Garda Vetting are as follows:

– Unit Member, activities include but are not limited to: Event First Aid, Emergency Response, Rescue Teams (not available in all branches), Cardiac First Responder Groups.

– Youth Leader: activities include but are not limited to: Supervising youth volunteers, delivering training to youth volunteers (only available in branches with youth groups).

– Community Support: Therapeutic Hand Care and Skin Camouflage.

We have a range of activities within the branches that do not require garda vetting, some of these are community fundraising, supporting migrants and branch administration. 

How to Join:

After you have contacted your local Branch and decided you are ready to join, you will need to complete your membership application pack. There are different application packs for different age groups, so please find the one that applies to you:

Adult Membership Application Pack – (Age 18+)

Youth Membership Application Pack – (Ages 16 & 17)

Youth Membership Application Pack – (ages 4 to 15)

It is important that you contact your local Branch before sending in any membership application forms. 

The National Services team is here to assist you during your application and beyond – please contact us at membership@redcross.ie or by phone at 01-6424600 if you have any queries along the way.

Current Members:

Membership Renewal 

Membership renewal for this year is free of charge. For members looking to renew their membership, please log on to the Irish Red Cross membership portal here.

Should you need your membership number to log in, please check your membership card or contact membership@redcross.ie.

Renew Garda Vetting:

If your Garda Vetting is due for renewal, please download the relevant Garda Vetting Pack below, and complete the forms included. You will need to contact your local branch in order to have your ID Verification Form completed.

Your Garda Vetting form, along with a copy of the ID you showed to the Branch Officer who signed your ID verification form can be posted to:

Membership – GV, Irish Red Cross, 16 Merrion Square, Dublin – D02XF85

Current Adult member – Garda vetting pack.

Current Youth member ages 16 – 17 – Garda vetting pac